Take what you need. Give what you can.
A community fridge is a mutual aid project that enables food to be shared within a community and offers a
no-barrier, convenient way to immediately address localized food insecurity and waste.
Fridges are placed in convenient locations and are accessible 24/7.
With a motto of "take what you need, give what you can" the fridges are fully supported by the by community.

Ways RGV supports community fridges:
Provides grants to cover costs of initial setup
Assists with securing a location
Supports founders with blueprint of how to operate their fridge safely and efficiently
Provides continued support when needed. Whether it is financial, administrative, or as a resource for questions RGV is there.
Prepares to-go style meals to be placed in local fridges
Local Community Fridges

Seacoast Community Fridge

Exeter Community Fridge
Portsmouth Community Fridge